Take Action

Become A Donor

Every child and woman deserves a fair and equal chance in life. By improving their health and livelihood, your donation can make a difference in the lives of women and children in Nigeria.

Volunteer With Us

You can volunteer with us to help us reach women and children in greatest need. To begin, sign up to join a community of young leaders making impact to change the narrative for women and children in communities

Get Active

Get active with Brinefort and learn how to work in communities and what you can do to develop your skills and lend your support as a volunteer member.


Join us and speak out by sharing Brinrfort"s works and priorities with your networks and on your social platforms.


Urge local, state, and federal officials tp prioritize women, children and their primary needs in funding and policy decisions. Speak out about their needs, the legislation affecting them and insist on policy implementation.


Join our fundraising team to raise funds for our key projects and advocacy campaigns, and learn how to launch a successful crowdfunding event online.